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Pando Glossary
Adam Plachta avatar
Written by Adam Plachta
Updated over a week ago

Explore our glossary to get the most out of your Pando experience.


"Accessed" found on the Activity Data dashboard means that someone has entered a username and password to sign up for their Pando account at least once.

Activity data

Activity data is shown in two places. At the top of the My Team page, “Activity” represents all team usage, such as creating, updating, or logging in.

On the Activity data dashboard (found on the Company page), “Activity” displays individual data sets for Accessed, Achievements, Actions, Feedback, Full assessments, Goals, and Single assessments.


Achievements are milestones you've hit, accomplishments, or ways you've made a tangible impact on the business. Achievements have a title and description and are connected to competencies. You can (and should!) add achievements or your manager can add them on your behalf. You can request feedback while creating an achievement, but not afterward. Achievements are displayed during the Full assessment process.


Actions are necessary steps to achieve goals. You'll want to create actions after you and your manager have discussed your career growth. Actions have a title, description, and due date and are connected to competencies. You are the only one who can log an action -- your manager cannot do it for you. You can create, edit, request feedback about the action anytime (before completion), and mark them done. Actions are displayed during the Full assessment process.

Calibration / Calibration conversation / Calibration chart

After you and your manager have completed your Full assessment, you and your manager will have access to the Calibration chart and a side-by-side competency rating comparison between the employee and manager. This chart is designed to help both parties have a "Calibration conversation" to foster alignment and discussion on growth plans, expectations, and performance.

Competencies / Competency

Competencies are displayed on the Rubric page and during Full and Single competency assessments. Rubrics usually have a mix of domain-specific and core competencies. A domain-specific competency is the behaviors, attributes, skills, and knowledge required to perform a particular role successfully. A core competency is one applied to all employees of an organization. Assessments, feedback, actions, and achievements are aligned with competencies to synthesize performance management and continuous career growth. Competencies are rated in Feedback, Full assessments, and Single competency assessments. [Note: When you uplevel (e.g., IC2 to IC3), the competency ratings start over!]

Data dashboard

If you have access to the Company page, you will be able to see the Data dashboard.
The Activity section displays a variety of feature engagement and usage such as Accessed, Achievements, Actions, Feedback, Full assessments, Goals, and Single assessments. (See Activity data dashboard for more info)


Feedback is information and commentary about an individual’s competency performance and is used as a basis for improvement or celebration. It inspires growth and is the foundation of continuous progression. You can continually request, give, and receive feedback to or from anyone anytime. Each piece of Feedback is connected to a single competency and includes a rating. Ratings are very encouraged but are not required. All received feedback is displayed during the Full assessment process. Your manager can see how much feedback you have requested, given, and received and how many feedback requests you've received.

Full assessments

A Full assessment is the simultaneous assessment process where the employee performs a self-assessment while the manager also assesses the competencies of that employee. When both parties complete the assessment, a calibration chart and side-by-side comparison are displayed to facilitate a calibration conversation. (See "Calibration"). Full competency assessments factor into the progress ring process. (See "Progress ring")


Goals are action plans that can tie to actions. These results-oriented personal development goals are your short-term and long-term vision for your achievements and behaviors. Anyone can create, edit, request feedback about the goal anytime (before completion), and mark them done. Goals are displayed during the Full assessment process.


Levels on the Rubric page show the impact, behaviors, and progression guidelines for each role level for ICs and Managers.

Leveled up (for a single competency)

After your first Full assessment, you can request a Single competency assessment. If your manager increases your rating for an individual competency during a Single competency assessment, you will be “Leveled up” for that competency. You will receive a notification in the Achievements section. For information on leveling up (e.g. IC2 to IC3), see “Upleveling, Uplevel.”) [Note: When you uplevel (e.g., IC2 to IC3), the competency ratings start over!]

Leveling guide

The Leveling guide – found on the Rubric page – will help you choose which level to give a new Pando user. The guide will walk you through 5 steps to arrive at a level suggestion. You can use this tool repeatedly to help you make decisions. Then, to assign a level to an individual, Admins should go to the Company page, find the “Add an employee” button at the top and enter the requested fields. Managers can assign levels on the My Team page with the “Assign level” button.

Performance data dashboard

Pando Performance data (found on the Company page)includes level distribution, level performance, competency ratings, and competency performance. This allows you to see how departments, roles, and individuals are growing and performing. It enables performance calibration across the organization and within departments and teams.

Progression plan

The Progression plan page is where to log goals and actions that support those goals. This is an integral part of strategizing career progression. Goals can be either long-term (over one year) or short-term (3-12 months). (See "Goals" and "Actions" for more guidance).

Progress ring

The Progress ring shows the employee level (IC6, M5, etc.) and a circular graph surrounding it, denoting the rating level. The rating level of the ring is only impacted by the Full assessment and Single competency ratings given by the manager at the employee’s current level. Achievements, actions, feedback, ratings from feedback, and goals do not directly impact the Progress ring, but they can indirectly influence the ratings in Full and Single competency assessments. [Note: When you uplevel (e.g., IC2 to IC3), the competency ratings start over!]


Ratings are displayed in three locations: Feedback, Full assessments, and Single competency assessments. Ratings for Full assessments and Single competency assessments directly affect the progress ring. Ratings from feedback do not affect the progress ring. Note the description of each level of rating:

  • Building - Building the foundations of mastery of this competency at this level

  • Improving - Starting to build a track record of success and striving to maintain consistency

  • Delivering - Consistently behaving in a manner that is expected/desired

  • Excelling - Exceeding expectations across many contexts

  • Outperforming - Going above and beyond what is expected in nearly every context


A Retrospective is the final section of the self-assessment. It asks the employee and manager to reflect on effectiveness and impact in the Stop, Start, and Continue sections. It helps summarize other items that did not get captured in the competency assessment portion of the process.


The company rubric – found on the Rubric page – is a guide of all the competencies and levels for the company for every team. See “Competency” and “Levels” above for more information. [Note: If a person changes to an entirely different rubric OR if a team rubric replaces a competency (deletes one, adds a replacement), no one will be able to assess or rate anyone on those competencies henceforth. However, all the information related to those competencies (single competency assessments and Full assessments/calibrations, actions, achievements, feedback) as it relates to that individual, will be saved and visible.]

Single assessments / Single competency assessment

A Single assessment is an assessment for a single competency. These assessments can be requested by the employee or given to an employee by the manager unprompted. Single competency assessments also factor into the Full assessment process. (See "Progress ring")

IC / Individual Contributor

An individual contributor is an employee of the company on a non-manager track for career progression.

Uplevel / Upleveling

Upleveling means that an individual is moving from the current level to a level above. Examples: IC2 to IC3, M5 to M6. In an Uplevel request -- found on the My Team employee quick view -- managers will include comments and select a percentage increase or new annual salary. Managers will submit their team members for upleveling to the HR/People team to approve or decline. When an individual is approved for upleveled, Pando will notify them immediately. [Note: When you uplevel (e.g., IC2 to IC3), the competency ratings start over!]

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