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Career Sync: Targeted Career Conversations
Career Sync: Targeted Career Conversations

Use Career Syncs to facilitate career progression

Adam Plachta avatar
Written by Adam Plachta
Updated over a week ago

What is a Career Sync?

Career Sync is a feature that helps everyone facilitate career conversations.

A Career Sync is not a traditional 1-to-1 meeting but rather a structured, targeted feature in Pando that guides both manager and report for highly productive career progression conversations.

Tactical and Structured

Career Syncs allows both managers and reports to have an instant agenda by selecting 2-3 questions (out of up to a dozen choices). This provides the structure needed to cover the key areas of focus. In addition to the agenda questions, reports will also answer a pulse check to give managers further insight into how the individual is feeling.

Managers can use Career Syncs to:

  • Coach and develop your team

  • Source feedback, status updates on goals, actions, and more

  • Pulse check on specific topics

Reports can use Career Syncs to:

  • Have focused career development conversations outside of regular meetings

  • Take control of your career development

  • Bubble up key areas of focus to keep growing and developing

When to do a Career Sync

We recommend that individuals and managers meet for a Career Sync monthly to sustain the momentum of career progression.

How to Create an Effective Career Sync

Anyone can start a Career Sync in Pando! Here's how to get started:

Inside Pando, visit the Career Sync page and click the Start or Start a new Career Sync button on the page. Select the Date and the person you wish to meet with.

Start the Career Sync prep: Select 2-3 questions from the list to set the discussion topics.

Fill in your responses to your questions, and click "Create & Continue" to send the notification to the other participant. Reports will then fill out a short pulse survey. You will not be able to change topics after this point.

Once both parties have submitted their responses, the Career Sync prep will be available to view by both parties. This prep will guide the discussion. Add notes during your conversation.

Meeting complete? Now it's time to archive by clicking "Complete" to archive your notes and questions that will be stored on your History page. Both sides will need to "Complete" the Career Sync for it to be fully done. Note that completed Career Syncs are not editable at this time.

Other Career Sync Info:

What are the stats?
Your Career Sync Stats are stored on the main Career Sync page.

What do statuses mean?

In each career sync, the statuses appear next to the participant and date:

  • In Prep - Both parties are in progress with their Career Sync prep

  • Waiting - You’ve finished your prep, and the other participant is in progress

  • Ready - You’ve both submitted your prep and are ready to meet!

  • Done - You’ve submitted your notes and completed your side of the Career Sync. Waiting on the other participant to complete their notes.

  • Complete - Both parties have Completed, and your Career Sync is viewable on the History page.

How do I get to the History Page?

After you have completed at least one Career Sync, you can click on that participant or date, and it will take you to the history page.

Can I have more than one Career Sync in progress at the same time?

You can have multiple Career Syncs in progress at the same time if they are of different people. Only one Career Sync can be in progress at a time for the same individual.

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